God as Father: Love
There is a power to word images. They have limit and never disclose everything but they do capture core truths. I
grew up not interacting much with the Father of the Trinity. I found Jesus the son approachable and the Holy Spirit accessible but the Father (mine own issues here) I felt was too busy to notice me or care about the issues of my life.
The images we are giving of God in the Bible texts help us or not, depending on our own spiritual and physical journey. Yet the truths the Bible is trying to communicate to us through these images are priceless and need to be mined for understanding the Godhead and the thoughts of God, the plans of God and the motives/desires of God.
I read this quote a few years back and it was in reference to teenagers. I personally this is now the view of teens and adults in America. “the danger for most of us is that we desire a particular state of being (feeling good) more than we desire God.”
“Notre Dame Sociologist Christian Smith says the fastest growing religion in America today is neither Christianity, Islam, nor same eastern religion. It is what he calls Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (MTD). In MTD, the most important “truth” about God is that he wants us all to be nice, to feel happy, and to be delivered from pain (that’s the therapeutic part). Outside of being available when I need him, God will not interfere much with my life (there’s the deism).
We are drawn to MTD because we want our life to be nice, happy, and uninterrupted. Smith says that MTD is in our culture – including our churches – like fluoride is in our water.””
John Ortberg article When God’s seems Far Away, Leadership Journal Fall 2011
Putting MTD in a summary form:
1. A god exists who created and ordered the world and watches over human life on earth.
2. God wants people to be good, nice, and fair to each other, as taught in the Bible and by most world religions.
3. The central goal of life is to be happy and to feel good about oneself.
4. God does not need to be particularly involved in one’s life except when God is needed to resolve a problem.
5. Good people go to heaven when they die.
This is individualism gone religious. If everyone has to be heard and everyone believes they are right, if individual rights must be fulfilled first, their happiness is most critical aspect of lie and inconvenience is wrong, how exactly are we ever going to serve anyone or mature? We are then caught instead of “submitting to each other out of reverence for Christ” spending our resources trying to make certain our own needs and rights are in no way trampled upon.
What we know is that Love is God. Not a characteristic of God but God is love to the core. I’ve heard: Power without love is oppression” and that “Honesty without love is brutality.” Yet here is another truth, “God without love is not God at all”.
In this next week’s set of lessons and dialogues together we will explore God’s identity. Everyone who says they are a follower of God needs to know who they are actually following as revealed in the Bible, otherwise God will become only a tool for our uses or a deity to do our bidding.
Day #1: God as Father’s Love
God as Father – the Parable of Father/Older brother/Prodigal Luke 15:12-32
Image used by permission: copyright@Edward Riojas
Food for Thought:
If you were preaching to multi-faceted audience the key point is the Identity of the Father and His character. We as readers/listeners to the story where do we fit into the story. Some will understand or identify with the older son and some the younger son. Wherever each person is, your role is to help explain the point of this story to help others identify their identity in the story so as they embrace God’s identity.
This text was written to the Pharisees. Jesus was calling those that God already knew to get on board with God’s plan. The Father had sent Jesus, “He came to seek and to save the lost.” Many parables delivered the same theme as they were seeking the lost coin, the lost sheep, the lost son.
Father’s love
-The father does not demand respect and love, yet longs for it.
-The Father’s love is the only consistent and trustworthy expression in this whole story.
-The Father is “Agape”: unconditional love and “Hesed”: loyal, faithful and reliable love.
-Celebrating the father’s love rediscovery in people is the desire of the father and is his greatest joy.
Image used by permission: copyright@Edward Riojas
Why the Word Father for God from Jesus: What do you speculate was the reason Jesus’ would use the term “Father” to relate to the Leader of the Trinity.
Fathers of Jesus time:
- Calling the Young men out of childhood and into Adulthood, apprentice his son, Godly example of moral uprightness, how to treat others etc…
- Provider – needed to make money and have skills for a trade.
- Protector – women were vulnerable without a husband. This included rescuer.
- Legacy maker and ID – last names, often whose son or daughter is he?
- Head of house or Leader of all those who come to faith through the one process/relationship that makes having a relationship with God possible. Through salvation in Jesus and then the indwelling of the Holy Spirit we becoming connected, adopted, family.
- -Leadership of the Home – set direction
- Head of house or Leader of all those who come to faith through the one process/relationship that makes having a relationship with God possible.
- Also as leader of the house the Father had a plan that the son implemented and the Spirit is continuing to guide and empower in us.
Do these characteristic feel compelling to you as reason for Jesus choice of term “Father”?
Do you think there were additional reason Jesus choose to use the “Father” term?
What are the reason?
If this is not about gender but more about true masculinity what happens if the true masculine get minimized in God and in men?
What effects would that have on young men and women to demean or minimize true masculinity?
In the story the Father:
- Allowed for choice
- Did not try to take away the consequence
- Did not take eithers son’s response to life personally?
- Kept watching, daily watching. Waiting for son to come to his senses. Sin has a way of taking you down and out. It destroys everything in its path. God has given us the capacity to reason. To process life and put together consequences. It takes some a lifetime and others catch on faster. It is painful to watch but there is no shortcuts.
- Yearned for reconciliation and being reunited. God didn’t wait for repentance but welcome back prodigal with open arms.
- Openly rejoiced with coming home. Offering a place and relationship for a new start.
(Yet he knew there was still stuff that would need sorted but he loved and love will figure things out. Love will partner for improvement and reconciliation but will not short cut consequences of previous choices training.)
Questions for Day #1:
- In this story, what did the youngest gain?
- What happened after the party for the return of the younger brother was over?
- What did the young man get back?
- What did the oldest get or refuse?
- The Father in this story received what?
- What did the Father ultimately desire for His son’s?
- The only person in this story that was healthy and mature was the Father. What can we learn about mature love from the Father?
- How does the included picture, from Edward Riojas, help you think fresh thoughts about this story and the Father’s love?
- Which is a greater sin? To do the big bad sins of wild living, sex, and spending OR assuming upon God’s love, passionless service, hidden resentment and unforgiving, misplaced rage toward your brother.
- In the material that follows we find there is so much to glean. What one or two insights connect to your experience and grab your attention? Why do you think that is?
- Are you able to function with the 6 characteristics of the Father listed above?
- Which is hardest for you? Why?
- Go to the Father with these questions and wait to see if God wants to reveal anything to you.
Day #2 God as Creator/Sustainer
Genesis begins with 2 creations stories of the movement from chao to order and shalom. Two creation stories that reveal God as creator of all things and God’s personal and particular work with humanity. This is the movement we then see throughout the rest of Scripture, sin creates chaos and God brings hope and shalom. Jesus is the centerpiece of this creation of shalom for all nations, all people, in all places for all time.
Again each part of the story of Scripture called for a movement from chao’s, disorder, separation, being disconnected and unattached toward Shalom, orderliness, reconciliation and unity with God, God’s creation both human and nature.
Each have a common theme: Creation story, Flood, Abraham, Judge, Kings, Prophets, Jesus
Prophets Examples: Isaiah 44:23–24, Isaiah 40:24-28, Psalm 104, Psalm 33:6-9
Early Church: Ephesians 3:9 & Colossians 1:15–17, 1 Corinthians 8:6, John 1:3, Romans 11:36
Jesus: Matthew 19:4–6, Mark 10:6, John 1:1-3
- What was Jesus’ view of Creation?
- Where did he see himself fitting into the creation story?
- How did the early church view Jesus and his role in the creation story?
- What are the implications of Jesus being Creator and Sustainer of everything seen and unseen?
- What happens if we minimize or deny the creative work of Jesus and Jesus as Creator and Sustainer?
- What was the view of the prophets about Creation and God’s role in what we see?
- If God through Jesus created and sustains creation how does this impact how we engage science, math and other systems that seem to reveal and explain how the universe both seen and unseen work?
Resource: Lee Strobels book: A Case for the Creator
Day #3 God as Deliverer/Rescue/Redeemer/Refuge: Exodus
Exodus story: God heard their cry.
Psalm 40:17, Ps 34:17-19, 37:40
Jesus “For the Son of Man Cames to seek and to save the lost” Luke 19:10 The spirit of the Lord is on me. Matt. 6:13
First Church: 2 Cor 1:10, 2 Cor 5:21, Hebrews 2:14-15,
“The way of redemption showcases these roles in a clear manner. The Father designed and organized how mankind would be redeemed (Galatians 4:4-5). He set into motion a complex set of events, actions, and prophecies which culminated in the life and death of a Savior. The Son carried out the plan (John 6:37-38). He followed the Father’s instructions to come to earth, even though that meant He would have to die. The Holy Spirit sees to it that every person feels a call toward God’s saving grace (John 14:26, John 16:8; Romans 1:19-20). Furthermore, He transforms the lives and hearts of those who receive salvation through Jesus Christ.” Charles Stanley
God through Scripture was seen as a Rescuer, Deliverer and Redeemer
- What difference does it make that God is a Rescuer, Deliverer and Redeemer not just in the New Testament but also seen throughout the Old Testament?
- What does the concept of Rescuer, Deliverer and Redeemer reveal to us about the nature of God?
- What does the concept of Rescuer, Deliverer and Redeemer reveal to us about how we as followers of Jesus will experience life on earth?
- Why does God choose to not help us avoid crisis’s that would call for a Rescuer, Deliverer and Redeemer instead of allow us to have to call out for help?
- How have you experienced being rescued or delivered?
- What have or are you learning about how God functions when you are in crisis?
We are told “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
- What do you find is the hardest part of waiting?
- What do you do while you are waiting?
- What suggestion would you make to others about waiting on the Lord to come to their rescue?
- What have you learning about perseverance while waiting.
- How good are you at persevering when things seem to drag on and out?
- Why do you think God waits till, what seems like the last minute to intervene?
Day #4 God as Lord & Savior– Sovereignty
We don’t use the words Lord and Savior or even think of having someone being Sovereign or supreme. As moderns and westerns to rebel against such terms and having such a person exist in our lives.
Phil 2:5-11, 3:20-21, Titus 3:4-7
We all would love to be completely self sufficient but that is not possible as much as it sounds amazing. We are all partners with others building off the work of others even when we have fresh thoughts or inventions.
Yet the idea of someone being a supreme authority in our life sounds and feel repressive. Yet this is exactly the term most frequently to describe Jesus. “The Lord Jesus Christ”. (Acts 10:36; Rom. 14:8; 1 Cor. 7:22; 8:6; Phil. 2:9–11)
As you engage with the word “Lord” or “Master”.
What you mental reaction to thinking you always have and will have someone you are accountable too?
What about you emotional reaction to the same question?
What is the greatest challenge for you in learning to submit to God’s lordship?
Is there one or two areas of life that you find hard to release control of? What are they?
If you were to die right now and coming before God in heaven and He asked you about why you struggle in these areas, what would give as reasons?
Which term would best describe how you see God’s Lordship nature:
Punitive, Forgiving, Demanding, Relaxed, Forceful, Chilled?
What is that choice based on?
What has been your experience?
John 14:21 Suggest love and obedience to Jesus intertwined in Lordship.
How do you see those working together?
Do you see those as conflictive and problematic? How?
#5 God as Mystery “I AM”
A number of years back I ran to catch my connecting flight in Austin TX. I flop down in the middle seat next to a professor who had a well-known Christian book with all types of tabs and markers in it. We visit for most of the 2 hours to my next stop. He had just been a key note speaker at an atheist convention. I found this ironic since he a religion professor at a large state university. We dialogue for a while then he asked me a question I want you to answer before you read on or do any more study. His question was:
“Why do you trust that old book (the Bible)?”
It really is a bigger question of I want you to consider:
“Why do you believe there is a God who we can and wants to engage in a relationship?”
Take some time to consider these questions.
My answer felt like it was not something I had ever verbalize before that moment. I said two things:
1) I have seen that people who trust their lives to the person of Jesus and the God this old book contains, they are changed and have certainty and better behavior than they would have ever had without the relationship to God that this book introduced and guide them in.
2) This old book give words to the great mystery of who God is and how we can relate to him. Thus the book has a mysterious quality too it, as it was written to give a faithful account to the greatest mystery of all which is an introduction to the “Great Other”, God, particularly as revealed in Jesus.
Were those good answers? I’m not certain they were the best answers but they were all I had at that moment. I have thought a lot about that encounter since then though. Mystery is still a significant word I believe for explain God who is outside of time, space, and the material elements but as seen in a previous lesson shows God creator of all seen and unseen yet a participant in this world through Jesus. How can this be true? Mystery, I believe.
We can discover the why, come close to the when and where and we know can never fully understand the Who that is God in Jesus and God the Father and God the Spirit. Words can’t completely explain mystery. Nor can we explain How. We know that Holy Spirit some how came upon Mary and she became pregnant. But the How it all work so that the creator of matter became material. How God who is not flesh took on flesh. How God who stands outside of time and space joined in with us in time and space.
- What do you think of when you consider the mystery of God?
- Why does it matter that God is mysterious to us?
- What happens to control God when we can even explain God?
- How would explain God to someone who asked you these questions I was asked?
- What is the best explanation you can give for the mystery of God’s Spirit dwelling in us without using the word “mystery”?
- How do you feel comfortable about God being outside of you full comprehension?
- Take some time and seek fresh insight, from the Spirit that lives in, about what God wants you to grasp either anew or as a new revelation to you.