The Resurrection Shift

tomb escape
resurrection and the life

Resurrecting Life:

I believe the resurrection of Jesus was right in the middle of a cosmic shift.  At and on the Cross is where Jesus paid a price for what we call "sin" which is rebellion against God's design for how humanity are to interact with God, other human's and all creation.    The resurrection of Jesus from the grave not just freed us from sin but declare freedom is now a possibility.  "Overcomers" is one term the Bible used to describe this change.  If we connect with Jesus who has now conquer sin and the grave we can join in a revolution of living free.  The third piece of this amazing change is the Holy Spirit's empowerment in the lives of all who connect with Jesus through his forgiveness and transforming power in our relationship to all things seen and unseen.

Questions to Consider

As you view these pictures consider the power God must have exerted to cheat death.  Consider how this event actually impacts your daily existence.  What can you do due to the resurrection of Jesus that you could not do without this reality?  Are you exercising the power of the resurrection?

Additional Scriptures to Study

The Resurrection has so much to understand and so many implication.  Here are a few additional scripture texts to add to your understanding.

Next Steps...

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